Silicone acupuncture model made of safety and durable silicone material, solid silicone, simulated human skin texture, muscle resistance. Silicone body with skeleton internal, standing firmly. Acupoint Chinese marking, the main role of the model is as a model of acupuncture teaching and practice, human acupuncture points and meridians model, acupuncture points teaching ornaments. Acupuncture model with major meridian lines, internal meridian points and external meridian points.
The meridian lines are labeled with five colors, corresponding to the corresponding five elements and five organs. The internal meridian points are labeled with solid dots and the external meridian points are labeled with hollow circles. With colorful meridian points and bone markings all over the body, with accurate acupuncture points, clear handwriting, good recognition and high utilization rate, can better assist the user to practice acupuncture and make teaching demonstrations.
Acupuncture model helps users locate and stimulate acupoints on the body. Users can further understand and learn about traditional Chinese medicine techniques such as acupuncture and acupoint massage to promote bodily balance and health, relieve pain, relax muscles, improve blood circulation, and achieve therapeutic benefits.
Easy to carry for mobile practice and teaching. Suitable as the first acupuncture model for acupuncture practitioners.