I have just listed PHOTOS of the 5 DOLL MOLD SETS individually. I will list the finished doll in the next update for these sets. I pour them when you order them. Here is what to look for to identfy each doll until I pour them in porcelain for you to see who each doll is.
Photos show all the molds parts that come in each set. Each set has it's own specific molds and I can not you get only the molds that fit together for that doll.
I will offer parts individually when I get time to list them each in auctions seperately. 3 of the sets contain the same arms.I have already package sets up. Carmen wears boots # Fallon has wedged heels # Marilyn has high heels # and the ballet dancer has toe shoes on. Elizabeth has bare feet and is the figure with dark hair on the entry to this listing.
Each set includes several limbs, head and torso molds. The photos that are on this current listings will show each set and all the parts that are included. I will be pouring porcelain in these actural molds and will show what each doll part looks like once poured. I bush the seams off with a lightly water wet, not too wet, soft paint brush as they come out of their molds and have no problem using them to fire my dolls in my kiln. You can make a 5 1/2 tall doll with these pottery plaster molds. These molds are just for people who make dollhouse size dolls.The names of the 5 different molds are Elizabeth, Carmen, Marilyn, Lady Fallon and a Ballerina with no name. Please let me know what doll you want. I will be posting their fired parts soon for you to choose from. You can now see each set of molds in full on the aqua colored background on this listing. Right now I have a beautiful Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth and the ballerina available only.
Elizabeth is in a photo alone here, she has dark hair. Please write to me directly and tell me which doll set you want. I will have photos of all available in a few weeks. Love and hugs to all my artist friends!
No instructions are sent with these molds. I will be pouring each piece in the next few days and matching up the individual sets for you girls to choose from. Most of the mold sets are interchangable.
They will be listed as soon as I can get them all poured in greenware. Love to all my mini doll artist friends, Patricia.